

10:45 AM

The Nikao Sunday School class is designed to dig deeper into the text preached that morning to develop a better understanding and discover specific means of applying the text. This approach will include:

  • adding additional context to the text (as needed)
  • answering class questions on the text preached
  • discussing potential points of application (including those shared during the sermon)
  • following up on the previous week’s discussion to determine points of success and challenges to applying the text.

Just as the wearers of Nike apparel “overcome” as they “Just Do It,” we are to live our life in fulfillment of Paul’s statement about us being more than overcomers (the meaning of nikao from Romans 8.37) because of God’s great love for us.

Age Range:  All

Group Size:


Available In-Person or Online?:

Contact: Andy Braams

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